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Philips Distributor Contacts

As a focused Health Technology leader, our goal is to improve the lives of 3 billion people by 2030. To reach this ambitious goal we collaborated with successful distributors to deliver the same level of excellence and customer satisfaction. On this page, you can search for the Philips distributors in your region.

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Estonia MedS&P AS Paldiski mnt 14-66,10149 ,Tallinn, Harjumaa Tallinn, Harjumaa Yes
Estonia Meditsiinigrupp AS Parnu mnt 499,76401,Tallinn, Harjumaa Tallinn, Harjumaa Yes
  • MR OEM
  • CT AMI
  • IGT Systems
  • Emergency Care
  • Ultrasound
  • Hospital Patient Monitoring
  • Enterprise Diagnostic Informatics
  • Sleep Respiratory Care
  • Precision Diagnosis Solutions
  • EMR and Care Management
  • Amb Monitoring & Diag
Estonia OSAUHING MN MEDICAL Suve 2-68,10149 ,Tallinn Tallinn Yes
Estonia OSAUHING MN MEDICAL Paldiski mnt 13,10137,Tallinn Tallinn Yes
Estonia MedS&P AS Paldiski mnt 14-66,10149,Tallinn, Harjumaa Tallinn, Harjumaa Yes
  • Hospital Patient Monitoring
  • Emergency Care
  • MR OEM
  • IGT Devices
  • Ultrasound
  • IGT Systems
  • CT AMI
  • Enterprise Diagnostic Informatics
  • Precision Diagnosis Other
  • Amb Monitoring & Diag

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