Upgrading services

Keep your equipment up-to-date and enhance security with our upgrading services

Our portfolio of upgrading and securing services is designed to cover your needs, now and in the future. We collaborate with you to ensure your technology and processes remain reliable to keep you operating consistently and economically. Our Upgrade and trade-in services help you stay at the forefront of new hardware and software developments and get the most out of your technology.

Technology as a service

Keeping systems up-to-date for standardization care at the University of Chicago Medicine

Discover how University of Chicago Medicine is keeping their equipment up-to-date and clinically advanced with Philips Technology Maximizer.

People Discussing

Maximize your technology assets

Technology Maximizer helps your organization achieve its goals by proactively and cost effectively maintaining the latest regulatory-approved software and hardware release levels for your equipment.

Product security

Safeguard your medical devices, systems and networks

We’re committed to proactively addressing security concerns. We offer a comprehensive security plan to deliver the safety of patient, personal and business data. Our updated Product Security Statement reflects the rapidly changing security environment and ensures designed-in security in all our products to meet the latest challenges.

We are always interested in engaging with you.

Let us know how we can help.

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