Philips is with you, delivering precision diagnosis and treatment with the power of fully integrated solutions, that securely unite all data and all images across the enterprise, to turn every little step into a clear care pathway step.
Intelligent, automated, and connected. Advanced Visualization Workspace is vendor-neutral, providing +70 clinical applications for clinical insights, automated workflows reducing time to report designed to support diagnostic confidence in a single, advanced platform for multiple modalities.
Secure access to multi department images with our zero-footprint, vendor neutral intuitive Enterprise Viewer. Anywhere, anytime access to the patients holistic imaging data gives the entire care team information they need for timely, informed clinical decisions.
Minimize administrative burdens, leaving staff free to collaborate in critical decision making. By centralizing your enterprise imaging repository to consolidate archives, you can lower costs and give providers unified access to the images and data they need to deliver better care.
Every patient deserves the best possible healthcare, and every hospital and care clinic deserve the best tools with which to provide it. The Philips Patient portal empowers patients to control and manage their own health records via a secure web-based portal.
Learn how Philips integrated diagnostics makes insights easily accessible across the enterprise, fostering collaboration and helping you accelerate diagnosis.
Uncover the top challenges in healthcare informatics and healthcare IT and discover new tools and solutions. We partner with you to deliver solutions that help transform your health system.
[1] Product may not be available in all geographies. Please check with your local Philips representative to ascertain applicability of this solution for your region and language requirements.
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