Higher productivity, more efficient processes, and a better care experience for patients, family and staff – these are some of the tangible results we can help you achieve with Philips Ambient Experience Solutions.
Measured success from our 2,500+ installations demonstrates that reducing patient stress can lead to better patient compliance, thereby decreasing delays and retakes. This can have a positive impact on your clinical, operational and financial challenges.
A 2020 survey of the installed base, further revealed the following1.
Our evidence-based research approach and people-centric design thinking, helps facilities like yours uncover new opportunities to transform the care experience. We use room design, dynamic lighting, video projection, and sound to provide positive distractions and give patients greater control of the environment. In addition, we can provide recommendations for effective staff workflow and optimized storage – all aimed at improving the care experience for patients and healthcare professionals alike.
Ambient Experience solutions have proven successful in waiting areas, exam/procedure suites, recovery rooms, and even entire departments.
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See how we help improve the patient experience across clinical modalities
Custom solutions reflect a variety of applications and patient needs
Ambient Experience has really allowed us to show in the marketplace that we’re a leading-edge institution north of Boston and that we actually deliver and provide the same or better service than can be done downtown.”
Christopher Wald, Chairman Radiology
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Our 2,500+ installations have helped hospitals enhance the experience of patients and staff. Learn how via our customer stories.
1Ambient Experience installed base study 2020
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