From early detection of disease through the first diagnosis and the series of subsequent moments that drive critical decisions; from screening and detection through surveillance, assessment and follow-up care, you require meaningful, data-driven insights to the pivotal moments when patient and doctor come together to make a critical decision.
Together, we focus on the people at the center of cancer care. A deep clinical understanding and innovative approach toward workflows delivers new models of care that eliminate burdensome administrative tasks and fragmented systems – bringing insights directly to clinical teams, fostering collaboration and driving patient-centered care.
Leveraging decades of clinical innovations, Philips offers a suite of solutions, enhanced through strategic clinical and technology partnerships, vendor-agnostic device integration and advanced clinical algorithms. Clinical guidance, enabled by end-to-end integration and exchange of data, allows workflows to be smart and streamlined while connecting care teams across locations with the information they need to enhance, optimize and personalize care.
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ContinueVeebilehel esitatud teave on mõeldud ainult isikutele, kes kasutavad meditsiiniseadmeid oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuses, sealhulgas tervishoiutöötajatele, tervishoiuteenuse osutajate esindajatele ning meditsiiniseadmetega oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuse raames kauplevatele isikutele. Veebilehel esitatud teave ei ole mõeldud meditsiiniliste nõuannete, ravijuhiste ega mistahes muude tervishoiualaste soovituste või suuniste andmiseks.
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