LINC 2022
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Intravascular Imaging & Interventional Devices

Intravascular Imaging Interventional Devices

I would like to receive additional information or get in touch with a Philips representative regarding intravascular imaging (IVUS) and interventional devices for peripheral vascular disease.

Azurion systems and angio lab solutions​

I would like to receive additional information or get in touch with a Philips representative regarding Angio Lab Systems and Solutions.

Zenition Mobile C-arms and Solutions

Zenition Mobile C-arms and Solutions

I would like to receive additional information or get in touch with Philips representative regarding Zenition Mobile C-arms and solutions.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surveillance with 3D ultrasound

Abdominal aortic aneurysm surveillance with 3D ultrasound

I would like to receive additional information or connect with a Philips’ representative regarding the Philips AAA Model (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Model) with X6-1 xMATRIX transducer and EPIQ Elite.

Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS) technology​

Fiber Optic RealShape technology​

I would like to get in touch with a Philips representative regarding the Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS) technology. For more information, you can contact us here.

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