Washington, DC
Every decision is critical during interventional procedures, and we’re here to equip and empower you with solutions when they’re needed most.
*Data on file at Philips
Noon – 1:00 pm
Dallas PCI presents the full picture: Imaging-guided LM interventions
Karim Al-Azizi, MD
Baylor, Scott & White – The Heart Hospital
Noon – 1:00 pm
From artificial intelligence to miniaturization: A golden age of innovation in echocardiography
Rebecca T. Hahn, MD, FACC, FASE, FESC
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
A big attraction at our hub is the cardiac biosimulator, a real beating heart with pulsatile fluid circulation that creates a lifelike environment for training on cardiac devices and procedures. Visitors can practice unique cutting edge concomitant scanning workflows using VeriSight Pro 3D ICE and mini ultrasound transducer X11-4t.
Another immersive hands-on experience at our hub is the coronary simulator, which helps you see the full picture. Engage in iFR and IVUS pullback while exploring realistic simulations of pressure, stenosis, stenting, and IVUS imaging. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain practical insights.
Step inside the laser cube to learn more about our laser atherectomy system for coronary and peripheral interventions. Discover up close how this plug-and-play device lets you prep vessels by breaking molecular bonds, cracking hardened tissue, and debulking lesions.
This recently launched program provides peer-developed clinical resources and training courses for healthcare professionals in the field of image-guided therapy – regardless of experience level. Register for a guided tutorial to familiarize yourself with this valuable resource.
With the help of an interventional simulator, see firsthand how you can boost efficiency, reduce contrast, and expand patient access to interventional care using the Azurion Image-guided Therapy System. Test drive key applications like Dynamic Coronary Roadmap, IVUS, physiology and hemodynamic monitoring using the table-side control.
Improving lab performance while focusing on the patient. Make every move count with Philips Coronary suite
Enhance your SHD program with workflow flexibility and multimodal imaging. Make every move count today.
See clearly and treat optimally with enhanced insight and confidence in electrophysiology procedures.
Accelerate clinical efficiency to help teams work smarter before, during and after procedures.
1The interventional vascular department of St Antonius Hospital in the Netherlands achieved a 17% reduction in procedure time with the Azurion system. The results of this first lab performance study have been verified by NAMSA, an independent third-party expert on study design and analytics) 4Stone G, et al. Intravascular imaging-guided coronary drug-eluting stent implantation: an updated network meta-analysis. The Lancet, Volume 403, Issue 10429, 824 - 837
2Hennessey B. et al. Dynamic Coronary Roadmap versus standard angiography for percutaneous coronary intervention: the randomised, multicentre DCR4Contrast trial. EuroIntervention, 2024;20:e198-e206
3ADAPT-DES study & Maehara A. Relationship Between Intravascular Ultrasound Guidance and Clinical Outcomes After Drug-Eluting Stents. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 Nov;11(11):e006243
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