By Philips Featuring Glenn A Walter, PhD and Yi Xia, Philips | April, 2024 | 26:03 min
[01:20] ∙ Comprehensive MR Evaluations of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – Proton [08:42] ∙ Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy with Sodium MRI Imaging [10:42] ∙ Phosphorus Spectroscopy [17:12] ∙ Carbon Monitoring of Glycogen Storage Diseases [21:00] ∙ Q&A
Join Dr. Glenn A Walter in this webinar as he explores the exciting therapeutic potential of utilizing low gamma nuclei imaging and spectroscopy with sodium, phosphorus and carbon, alongside proton, to detect muscle diseases. Learn how easy it is to seamlessly integrate workflow for multi-nuclei image acquisition, spectroscopy, reconstruction and viewing.
Glenn A Walter, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair of Physiology and Aging,
University of Florida, Amris,
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Professor and Vice-Chair of Physiology and Aging,
University of Florida, Amris,
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Business Marketing Manager,
Clinical & Key Customer Relationships, Philips
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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