By Philips Featuring Johan Kihlberg, PhD, Ika Draude, Karthick Rajendran | juuni 11, 2024 | 44:47 min
[00:10] ∙ Introduction to ScanWise Implant and MROC requirements [13:05] ∙ Experience with ScanWise Implant at Linköping University Hospital [29:16] ∙ Q&A
Watch this webinar with Johan Kihlberg, PhD, radiographer at Linköping University Hospital, Sweden, to discover how Philips ScanWise Implant allows you to confidently offer MR imaging to patients with MR conditional implants, helping you serve a growing and potentially underserved subset of the patient population, enhancing your reputation and encouraging referrals.
Radiographer, Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
Radiographer, Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
IB CLV Marketing Manager Imaging Europe, Philips, Best, Netherlands
Sr. Product Manager, Business Unit Magnetic Resonance, Philips, Best, Netherlands
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