Healthcare Informatics

The path to precision care

Precision medicine will enable a patient’s treatment pathway to be tailored to their individual characteristics. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, clinicians will be able to examine and interrogate only the most relevant data for each patient, enabling individualized treatments and first-time-right diagnosis.

Hear what your peers are saying about the path to precision care

These healthcare IT leaders discuss how new approaches to the prevention of disease will improve the patient journey.

At a glance

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will bring data together to make precision medicine possible.
  • Precision care can enable more focus to be placed on the prevention of disease.
  • Patients will have more involvement and choice in their own care pathways.

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik speaks on how precision diagnosis will deliver a personalized algorithm for each patient

The path to precision care by Ronnie Platsznik
It's not going to be enough to look at disease that's present in the body. We're going to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to see characteristics in the image that the human eye may not be able to see.”

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik

Chief Medical Information Officer, Monash Health, Australia

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik discusses how data can provide real clinical decision support

How data can provide clinical decision support by Ronnie Platsznik
We're talking here about building an infrastructure from the ground up that has the ability to connect data points across an individual's medical history for their immediate bedside benefit.”

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik

Chief Medical Information Officer, Monash Health, Australia

Mr. Jacques Rossler sees a future where patients have more involvement and choice in their own care

The path to precision care by Jacques Rossler
The future of healthcare looks like precision medicine, artificial intelligence, wearables for the patient, more interaction with the patient.”

Mr. Jacques Rossler

Chief Information Officer, UCL Saint-Luc, Belgium

Dr. Jacob Visser discusses the need to focus on prevention as populations age

The path to precision care by Jacob Visser
So, now we are focused on cure, but we should rather focus on prevention of diseases.”

Dr. Jacob Visser

Chief Medical Information Officer, Erasmus Medical Center, The Netherlands

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik discusses discusses the benefts of using data in real-time at the point of care

Using data in real-time at point of care by Ronnie Platsznik
We want the data to be available at our fngertips in real time at the bedside. So when we plan our systems, we have to ensure that we have maximum interoperability.”

Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik

Chief Medical Information Officer, Monash Health, Australia

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At a glance

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will bring data together to make precision medicine possible.
  • Precision care can enable more focus to be placed on the prevention of disease.
  • Patients will have more involvement and choice in their own care pathways.

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