Podcast Series: Philips Imaging Connections

Fresh perspectives from imaging peers

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Welcome to Philips Imaging Connections

Your source for straight talk from imaging professionals that explores bright ideas, best practices and unique perspectives. Listen to Philips Imaging Connections on these popular podcast platforms.

03. Fear and anxiety in imaging: Psychology meets technology


Experts discuss common psychological responses to diagnostic imaging exams and suggest ways to mitigate fear and anxiety for better imaging outcomes.


02. The impact of patient no-shows: What the data tells us


A unique research collaboration between the University of Washington and at Philips dug into the data around no-shows. Hear about the surprising things they learned as well as some innovative approaches to addressing the problem.


01. Sick Girl Speaks: A  bed's-eye  view of  imaging


Tiffany Christensen, CPXP, VP of Experience Innovation at The Beryl Institute and author of Sick Girl Speaks, shares her story as a cystic fibrosis and double lung transplant recipient to offer insights about how to improve the patient experience of imaging.


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