The Spectral CT Learning Center provides more information about IQon Spectral CT

Spectral CT Learning Center

No longer do you have to choose between viewing anatomical structures and identifying material composition.

Philips accelerates stroke diagnosis and treatment with expanded integrated solutions and strategic partnership

Philips partners with Nicolab

Philips partnered with medtech firm Nicolab, integrating its cloud based stroke triage and management solution StrokeViewer into Philips’ end-to-end stroke care pathway.

Carolinas HealthCare System is using the eICU to provide remote clinical support for stroke patients

Delivering the right stroke treatment fast

Connect telemedicine resources across the health system to focus on more timely interventions for stroke patients.

Professions discussing during symposium

Shaping the future of stroke care

Download the position paper to learn how we can team up to save precious time – and lives.

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