Working in close collaboration with healthcare professionals, we keep enhancing the Azurion experience so you can perform a wide range of routine and complex interventional procedures easily and confidently, now and in the future.
say they’re more efficient. These users believe that Azurion can help them make more efficient use of their time spent in the lab.1
The Philips Azurion series design and development is committed to meeting sustainability and circular economy ambitions by reducing the product’s environmental impact.2
Before you’re even aware that there’s an issue, we’re working to fix it, through secure remote services that deliver proactive model-based analytics to identify issues in the background.3
Meet the new Azurion, our most flexible biplane system ever
With the industry-leading Azurion, we reinforce our commitment to you and your patients. Azurion is designed to help you meet your challenges, today and tomorrow.
Secure and fast parking of the lateral arm allows for a seamless switch between 2D and 3D image acquisition. Positioning of the frontal arm at 135 degrees enables optimal head-end access to the patient and accommodates ideal endovascular working positions.
Image beam rotation assures patient-oriented images from every angulation and rotation, eliminating the need to pivot the table or reposition the patient to maintain alignment with anatomical structures, even if the patient is positioned diagonally.
The system geometry combines speed and sophistication, enabling full body coverage and giving you the most flexible Philips Azurion biplane to date.
With the Azurion system, we were able to change our workflow in such a way that we now can do more patients in a single day, resulting in more patients a week, resulting in more patients per year, with no compromise to patient safety or quality of care.”
Marco van Strijen, MD, Interventional Radiologist
St. Antonius Hospital, Utrecht/Nieuwegein, the Netherlands
Advanced capabilities integrated with innovative system geometry support improved workflow, helping you to optimize your lab performance and provide superior care to your patients.
1 Evaluated with clinical users in a simulated lab environment.
2 Determined via the COCIR SRI method. Compared to the predecessor Allura Xper platform. Exact energy reduction depends on configuration.
3 Based on First-Time-Rate data from 2021 for Allura and Azurion systems that were remotely connected (n=12.205) for corrective maintenance.
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