IntelliSpace Cardiovascular
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Comprehensive patient data. Informed clinical decisions.

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular

    Image and Information Management Solution

    intellispace cardiovascular radial infographic

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular is a scalable and interoperable solution that combines deep clinical expertise with technological innovation to help streamline workflow and improve operational performance throughout the complete cardiovascular care continuum.

    Connecting patients, care teams and data to enhance patient care

    Disparate clinical data from multiple sources add complexity to decision-making. IntelliSpace Cardiovascular can help you overcome this challenge by empowering clinicians to turn clinical findings into a decisive actionable plan and foster collaboration across your cardiovascular service line – both within your hospital and among your referrers and other healthcare providers.

    Find out how IntelliSpace Cardiovascular can take your cardiovascular workflow to a new level.

    All in one place

    All in one infographic

    Our cardiovascular image and information
    management solution in a snapshot 

    Our cardiovascular image and information
    management solution in a snapshot 

    Cardiovascular image video thumbnail

    Learn what your peers say about IntelliSpace Cardiovascular

    Outstanding care starts with the right partnership

    Paul melman
    Wally wonnik
    Laura peters

    Enhance your cardiovascular IT solutions. What’s new?

    Existing IntelliSpace Cardiovascular or Xcelera customer? Learn more about what’s in it for you!

    Survey thumbnail

    Mapping out connected cardiology’s data-driven success

    Key findings from the 2020 Cardiovascular Business Leadership Survey reveal that healthcare organizations see cardiovascular information systems (CVIS) as essential for defining a data-rich path forward for more connected cardiology and better patient care.

    We are always interested in engaging with you.

    Let us know how we can help.

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    *Some products are only available in selected countries. Please consult your Philips representative for further details.

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