Clinicians from the US and Europe describe what it’s like to use spectral-detector CT to increase diagnostic confidence, ease workflow, add value and advance patient care across radiology, oncology and cardiology.
Spectral is always on, so every scan offers both conventional and 100% spectral results.
Expand cardiac and ED/trauma capabilities, and open up new possibilities in interventional and radiation oncology procedures.
Routine scans with detector-based spectral CT have demonstrated 34% shorter time to diagnosis.1
Simply move the slider to compare conventional CT vs. spectral-detector CT.
Go beyond routine cardiac imaging with the additional clinical insights of spectral-detector CT for advanced cardiac applications.
Connect to a specialist to see if spectral-detector CT is right for you.
Download the app and see how easy it is to add spectral to your clinical workflow. Interact with real-life use cases, view and compare up to five different spectral results with a single click!
See Spectral CT 7500 product details
Learn more about spectral-detector technology
The future of CT: spectral photon counting
Discover all CT solutions
1Economic impact of IQon for patients with renal insufficiency. White paper. Philips.
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