DICOM - Interventional X-ray
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Interventional X-ray Connectivity

DICOM Conformance Statements

Allura Xper Flat Detector


Allura Centron


Allura FC

Allura CV


Integris Allura Systems

  • Integris Allura Release 2.3 (June 2004) with High-speed DICOM Interface (MCV2974), Cardiac XA (MCV3621), Vascular XA (MCV3761), RIS (MCV3031) and Print (MCV7011).

Integris V Systems

Integris H Systems


DCI Systems


EP Navigator Systems
The conformance statements of these systems can be found here.

Interventional Patient Care

Mobile Surgery Systems



Conformance Statements Cardio-Vascular specific workstations

(for general workstations see the workstation section)


Interventional Workspot


Interventional Workspot Application Annexes


Allura Xper Systems

  • Interventional Tools R9.0 (December 2013) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Interventional Work Spot 1.2.0, Allura 3DRA 6.4.0, Allura 3DCA 3.0.5, XperGuide 1.1.0, XperCT 3.2.0, StentBoost 4.2.0, CT TrueView 2.0.5, HeartNavigator 2.0.0, 2D Perfusion 1.1.0, 3D Roadmap 1.1.1, MR-CT Roadmap 1.1.1, Embo Guide 1.0.0
  • Interventional Tools R8.8.1 (February 2013) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Interventional Workspot R1.1.0, HeartNavigator R1.1.1, Allura 3D-RA R6.3.0, 3D Roadmap R1.1.0, MR-CT Roadmap R1.1.0, XperCT R3.1.0, XperGuide R1.0.1, StentBoost R4.1.0, 2D Perfusion R1.0.1, Allura 3D-CA R3.0.4, CT TrueView R2.0.4
  • Interventional Tools R8.8.0 (April 2012) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Interventional Workspot R1.1, Allura 3D-RA R6.2, Allura 3D-CA R3.0, XperGuide R1.0, XperCT R3.0, StentBoost R4.0, CT TrueView R2.0, HeartNavigator R1.1, 2D Perfusion R1.0, 3D Roadmap R1.0, MR-CT Roadmap R1.0.
  • Interventional Tools R8.3.0 (March 2011) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA R6.1.0, Allura XperCT R2.2.0, StentBoost R2.1.1 and R3.1.1, Allura 3D-CA R3.0.1, CTTrueView R2.0.1, and HeartNavigator R1.0.0.
  • Interventional Tools R8.2 (March 2010) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA R6, 3D Roadmap R2, MultiModality Roadmap R1, Allura XperCT R2, Allura XperGuide R2, StentBoost R2 and R3, Allura 3D-CA R3, CTTrueView R2, and CTO Navigator.
  • Allura 3D-RA R6 (August 2009) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA R6, 3D Roadmap R2, MultiModality Roadmap R1, Allura XperCT R2, Allura XperGuide R2, StentBoost R2 and R3, Allura 3D-CA R3, CTTrueView R2, and CTO Navigator.
  • Integris 3DRA R5 (February 2008) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA Release 5, StentBoost Release 2 and 3, Allura 3D-CA Release 2, CTTrueView Release 1, and Allura XperCT Release 2.
  • Integris 3DRA R5 (July 2007) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA Release 5, StentBoost Release 2 and 3, Allura 3D-CA Release 2 and CTTrueView Release 1.
  • Integris 3DRA R5 (December 2006) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Allura 3D-RA Release 5, StentBoost Release 2, Allura 3D-CA Release 1 and XperCT Release 1.
  • Integris 3DRA R4.3 (June 2005) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Integris 3DRA R4.3, Allura 3D-CA 1.0 and StentBoost 2.0.
  • Integris 3DRA R4.2.5 (August 2004)
  • Integris 3DRA R4.2 (July 2004) This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: Integris 3DRA R4.2, Xper FD 20 R.2.0 and StentBoost R.1.
  • Integris 3DRA R4.1.3 (January 2004)
  • Integris 3DRA R4.1 (July 2003)


Integris (C/V) Systems


CD-Medical Recorder for DCI systems

CD-Medical Recorder for Integris H systems


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