By Maxine Moor, VP Customer Service Marketing Imaging Systems at Philips Healthcare Healthcare organizations everywhere are striving to fulfill the triple aim1. Continuous improvement is broadly recognized as a means of helping achieve this. Yet many challenges remain. Our PerformanceBridge Solutions helps you meet them. An article on in October 2016 pointed out that healthcare has basically been organized in the same fee-for-service way since World War II. It went on to stress the importance of shifting ‘away from volume-driven to value-driven care, which rewards providers for keeping people healthy while keeping costs in check.’ I couldn’t agree more. So why isn’t this shift happening on a more widespread basis? Maybe there’s a clue in a 2016 Media Health Leaders Intelligence Report2. It stated that, according to its survey, the number one stumbling block to achieving patient satisfaction was; ‘the difficulty of changing organizational culture.’ You can address this through continuous improvement programs. Continuous improvement has been implemented with success everywhere from the car industry to banking. It sounds logical enough; identifying and addressing problems on an ongoing basis in order to raise overall efficiency. Yet many healthcare organizations struggle to make this work, primarily because they are too busy addressing everyday issues (‘fire-fighting’) and therefore don’t tackle the root causes of structural shortcomings. The main differentiating factor in PerformanceBridge Solutions is that it brings together data, services and people. Think of it as a triple boost when going for the triple aim. And why combine these three things? Because data is essential - but it can’t drive change on its own. Therefore, we complement it with best practices from other healthcare institutions, benchmarks and insights to increase its relevance and value. And, on top of this, we offer dedicated training of key staff plus experts who spot opportunities and establish priorities to drive continuous improvement. I find this hugely exciting because it’s not some abstract idea or a minor tweak to a software system. It’s a fundamental, concrete solution that goes to the very heart of sustainable healthcare delivery. And that’s something that affects you, me, all our family and friends - and ultimately everyone.
We researched and spoke to hospital departments around the world to truly understand what they need to drive improvement. We heard about time and resource pressures, budget constraints and IT issues, plus the ongoing balancing act that is the triple aim. And then we developed PerformanceBridge Solutions.
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