Experience the flexibility of Philips Ultrasound Workspace, and experience a new world of echocardiography workflow. Ultrasound workflow allows for greater efficiency in viewing, analysis and reporting by giving care teams the flexibility to adopt different workflows based on their current and future needs.
A single point of contact for pre-, during, and post-procedure information. Xper Information Management presents a variety of tools for reporting, scheduling, inventory and intelligent data management that can help enhance efficiency and improves and simplifies workflow.
Have side-by-side review of single, multiple or all available cardiac series in default or user-defined viewing protocols. MR Cardiac processing and reporting includes multimodality 2D and 3D viewing and a functional analysis module to address common MR cardiac clinical questions. It is designed to reduce reading time through automated and enhanced customizable workflow with comparison with priors, side-by-side applications and a consolidated findings dashboard.
Learn how Philips integrated diagnostics makes insights easily accessible across the enterprise, fostering collaboration and helping you accelerate diagnosis.
Accelerate clinical efficiency to help teams work smarter before, during and after procedures.
Our cardiac imaging solutions provide excellent image quality and streamlined analysis, reporting and insights for a more confident diagnosis.
Effective, efficient treatment in coronary artery disease. Access clinical insights and increase confidence in treatment while reducing procedure time.
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