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Medical Supplies and Accessories

Because everything you do touches the patient

Medical supplies are critical to acquiring the clinical readings that your patients and care teams rely on. And in today’s challenging healthcare environment, it is more important than ever to consider their impact on care quality and total cost of ownership. By standardizing with a trusted partner for both your equipment and supply needs, you can optimize the quality and cost effectiveness of your care delivery and improve patient and care team satisfaction.

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For patients with poor perfusion, consider the nose.

Measuring arterial oxygen saturation at the nasal ala provides reliable monitoring that ensures a signal even after forehead sensors have lost signal.1 This single-patient-use sensor detects changes in arterial saturation up to 30 seconds faster than with finger SpO2 sensors.2,3

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1. Shallom M, Prentice D, Sona C, Mazuski J. Comparison of Nasal and Forehead Oximetry Accuracy and Pressure Injury in Critically Ill Patients. Critical Care Medicine. 2016;44:12(Suppl.).
2. Melker RJ, et al. Earlier Detection of Desaturation NADIR from the Nasal Ala. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Technology in Anesthesia, January 2013.
3. Comparative Desaturation Study performed at Xhale Assurance, Inc. and University of Florida, 2012. Data on file at Xhale Assurance, Inc.

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