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Advancing cardiology clinical decisions

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Advancing cardiology clinical decisions  

Your performance in diagnostic or interventional cardiology benefits from the correct support for your workflows, quantifications, and visualizations. Philips has a long tradition of innovative firsts in echocardiography. These now include the first dedicated interventional cardiology ultrasound solution, dedicated pediatric cardiology ultrasound solutions, and continuing industry-leading image quality.


The EPIQ platform offers our highest level of premium performance, with a larger, OLED display for more flexible viewing and image comparison, and a configurable user interface for more meaningful control.


The EPIQ platform offers our highest level of premium performance with exceptional image resolution and detail along with extraordinary levels of information. It brings high-quality ultrasound imaging to every echocardiography setting.



Find the right transducer for your system


Ergonomic and lightweight, our broad range of transducers is available in multiple configurations, enabling better penetration with less artifacts. Learn more about our full range of transducers below, and detailed instructions on care and maintenance.

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