By Philips ∙ Ramone Varcoe ∙ September 2020 ∙ 2:31 min
Prince of Wales Private Hospital shows how the Philips Azurion with FlexArm provides advanced image guidance solutions and a sterile operating theatre, to optimally support a wide range of minimally invasive and open-surgery procedures.
• Choosing a system that brings the highest quality of patient care
• Philips Azurion with FlexArm and Maquet table provide exceptional versatility
• Open surgical and angiographic endovascular procedures offer the best of two worlds
Prince of Wales Private Hospital determined that setting up a hybrid operating theatre was a top priority in order to bring the highest quality of patient care to the institution. They chose the Philips Azurion with FlexArm and Maquet table for a system that offers unique flexibility. As Associate Professor Ramone Varcoe suggests, “This enables us to do all sort of open surgical procedures in all sorts of positions with much more versatility and flexibility than what we’ve had in the past. The system gives us incredible versatility, to treat all sorts of patients in a myriad of different ways.”
“There are so many degrees of freedom of movement that I can manoeuvre the FlexArm within the operating space without any limitation.”
Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon
Prince of Wales Private Hospital
Surgeons at Prince of Wales find the Azurion with FlexArm to be exceptionally user friendly. “We've got a lot of feedback from our nurses, radiographers, and of course from the clinician users on the frontline” says Varcoe. “This is the most user-friendly system they've ever encountered. Part of that comes back to the versatility of C-arm and the way it moves around the table. And part of it comes back to the Azurion operating system, which is incredibly user friendly.”
According to Dr. Shannon Thomas, “The Azurion platform delivers some significant benefits for us, and that is that we can control the entire system from the bedside. Any ancillary devices such as IVUS, I can control directly from the touchpad. I've got access to all of my imaging from the touchpad as well. So it really puts me in control of the situation.”
“It is truly a multipurpose room that we have in the hybrid operating room,” acknowledges Varcoe. “We can treat patients with open surgery and angiographic endovascular procedures all at once, which really provides a great deal of benefit for our patients. That's truly unique. We think and we’ve found the best of both worlds.”
The physicians’ opinions and clinical experiences presented herein are specific to the featured physician and featured patients and are for information purposes only. The results from their experiences may not be predictive of all patients. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors. Nothing in this presentation is intended to provide specific medical advice or to take the place of written law or regulations.
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