To be or not to be an AI user:

What it means to be an AI user in CV ultrasound

By Philips ∙ mai 01, 2024 ∙ Featuring Rob Rogers, Hila Goldman-Aslan ∙ 37:34 min




Ultrasound AI webinar recording

Recorded webinar: To be or not to be an AI user

Webinar highlights - Total duration [37:34]

[04:01] ∙ What is AI?

[07:45] ∙ Responsible AI

[26:13] ∙ AI and your role in the echo lab

[27:14] ∙ Coming soon: our latest AI innovations in CV ultrasound

Everyone is talking about AI these days – it can be hard to navigate what it all means for you and your role in cardiovascular ultrasound. Watch the webinar as Rob and Hila demystify AI in ultrasound and explore responsible AI, the AI you are already using in CV ultrasound, and your role in the adoption of AI in the echo lab. Plus, get a view of our latest innovations in AI for echocardiography.  

Speakers list

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

Strategic Account Leader, Philips, United States

Hilda Godman-Aslan

Hila Goldman-Aslan

Ultrasound AI Strategy Leader, Philips

Founder, DiA Imaging Analysis, Israel

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