By Philips ∙ Featuring: Forty-two experienced echocardiographers · okt 18, 2018 ∙ 2 min read
White paper
At the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), 42 experienced echocardiographers from 17 countries assessed the technical features and user experience of Philips EPIQ CVx ultrasound system. The study was conducted by Use-Lab GmbH, an independent usability engineering consultancy and interface design expert.
Each participant in the study received a live demonstration of both the EPIQ CVx and its predecessor system. Subsequently, they were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed with 33 pre-formulated statements comparing the two systems, using a Likert scale.
These are a sampling of the findings discussed in the white paper:
1 Based on responses from 42 respondents 2 Based on responses from 41 respondents
* Dynamic HeartModel is an advanced automation solution, not currently certified as artificial intelligence.
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