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Intrepid ALS

Support and Service

If you are looking for help with your Philips HeartStart intrepid monitor or defibrillator, you've come to the right place.

Intrepid support videos

Introduction to the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Introduction to the HeartStart Intrepid monitor and defibrillator video
Overview of the Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Overview video
Monitoring using the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Monitoring-using the HeartStart Intrepid monitor and defibrillator video
Alarm Management on the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Alarm Management video
Vital Signs Trending with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Vital signs video
Manual Defibrillation with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Manuel defibrillation video
AED Operation with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
AED operation
Using the Q- CPR  Meter with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Using the Q-CPR video
Synchronized Cardioversion with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Synchronized cardiovision
Non-Invasive Transcutaneous Pacing with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Non-invasive transcutaneous video
Data Management Transmission with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Data Management Transmission video

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