During his lifetime, Peter has undergone multiple MRI scans: watch how Peter’s experience significantly improved when he tested the new Dutch Masters theme in an MRI room with Ambient Experience.
"It felt different than the other times. Totally different experience. Really distracting."
Peter Berkhof, patient
"With the Ambient Experience, I hope the patients will leave the MRI scan more relaxed and come back to the next one with less concern."
Raschel van Luijk, Team leader MRI at AMC hospital
"By focusing more on the human side, we create a more holistic view on care."
Werner Satter, General Manager Healthcare Experience Solutions at Royal Philips
"I’m sure the combination of art and music will change the patient experience significantly." Professor Hans Jeekel, Erasmus Medical Center
"We believe the relaxing atmosphere of the paintings will really help in this healing environment."
Pieter Roelofs, Curator at the Rijksmuseum
"What I like most about this piece of music, in connection with the images, is that it really helps people feel distracted from their fears."
André Heuvelman, Manager Creations at Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
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