Interventional oncology

Critical insights for superior care

Onco suite provides a comprehensive solution for planning and guidance of embolization, as well as for biopsy and ablation procedures. Onco suite is a combination of the Azurion Image Guided Therapy platform with its interventional solutions, workflow options, education and services. It supports interventional oncology teams in the detection and treatment of multiple lesions by offering high spatial and contrast resolution with advanced image guidance. This is designed for consistency and precision to allow for superior care and confident performance.

XperGuide kidney cryo ablation

Onco suite for the confident path to treatment

In every successful intervention, critical insight and careful orchestration of imaging, treatment planning and live guidance play vital roles. You must be able to spot all tumors, including those on the periphery of the organ, easily access them, deliver targeted embolization/ablation, and finally, determine procedural success in the shortest time possible.  Step-by-step guidance, full tableside control and groundbreaking visualization techniques support efficient and reproducible treatment.

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