Vascular care

Innovations to redefine outcomes for your vascular patients

Our vascular suite supports diverse peripheral, aortic, visceral, arterial and venous procedures. From restoring vessel patency and implanting a device to treating an aneurysm or occlusion, the suite enables clinicians to deliver fast, effective and simplified procedures. Our vascular suite supports increased confidence in decision-making and deployment of devices through dedicated interventional tools and a rich portfolio of relevant devices.

Advanced vascular procedures with Philips Image Guided solutions

Real-time guidance during vascular procedures

Real-time guidance allows for selecting the correct vessel, and also aids precise positioning of devices so interventional teams can improve clinical outcomes. Our vascular suite tools provide remarkably detailed insights into anatomy and pathology during each phase of procedures as teams decide, guide, treat and confirm. Workflow innovations can support interventional teams in dramatically reducing overall procedure time and our technology enhances staff and patient safety by managing radiation and contrast dose efficiently.1

In this video you will learn more about our planning and live guidance solutions.

Azurion 7 M20 with FlexArm a Philips ceiling-mounted system

Azurion 7 M20 with FlexArm

This ceiling-mounted system provides exceptional positioning freedom for medical teams. Unlimited imaging flexibility allows you to perform peripheral procedures without moving the table and carry out endovascular aneurysm (EVAR) procedures from virtually any position around the table. Seamlessly control all relevant applications from a single touchscreen at tableside, to help make fast, informed decisions in the sterile field. By working around you, Philips Azurion with FlexArm helps you advance your performance and deliver superior care.

Philips VesselNavigator, a 3D roadmap overlay on a live X-ray image


VesselNavigator allows reuse of 3D vascular anatomical information from existing CTA and MRA datasets as a 3D roadmap overlay on a live X-ray image. With its excellent visualization, VesselNavigator provides an intuitive and continuous 3D roadmap to guide you through vasculature.

IVUS, a catheter-based imaging technology


Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a catheter-based imaging technology that enhances disease state visibility from the inside out, which aids clinicians in the assessment of presence and extent of disease. IVUS helps clinicians to decide, guide and confirm the right interventional treatment for each patient. 

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1. Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

Philips medical devices should only be used by physicians and teams trained in interventional techniques, including training in the use of this device.
Products subject to country availability. Please contact your local sales representative. 

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