Creating a calming and engaging MRI experience at MRT-Praxis Potsdam

By Philips ∙ Featuring Dr. Tobias Schröter | June, 2023 | 0:46 min


Magnetic resonance


Patient experience


Potsdam Ambient

At a glance

  • Hear how patients feel more comfortable in the MRI with dynamic light and in-bore experience than in other systems


Helping anxious patients getting through their exam

The latest MR system installed at MRT-Praxis Potsdam in Germany is equipped with Ambient Experience lighting and the In-bore Experience. A valuable addition to the system which is designed to comfort patients during their exam.

"We’ve had feedback from many patients, that if they had known how pleasant it was in our system, they would have been less anxious for the exam."

Dr. med. Tobias Schröter

MR radiologist,

MRT Praxis Potsdam


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