By Philips, Featuring Julia Camps Herrero, Shuo Zhang and Ika Draude ∙ December 2024 ∙ 56:23 min
In this webinar Dr. Julia Camps Herrero sheds light upon the breast cancer diagnosis pathway and she explains the challenges faced with the current approaches, and how new imaging technologies can help. She discusses the pros and cons of different approaches and illustrates the power of her 20-minute protocol by showing many examples. Watch to learn more:
[00:00] ∙ Introduction to Philips Breast MRI solutions
[07:15] ∙ The diagnostic breast cancer pathway
[12:04] ∙ Current challenges in breast MRI
[16:20] ∙ 20-minute protocol
[41:21] ∙ MRI leads the de-escalation of unnecessary treatments
[44:14] ∙ Q&A
Corporate Chief of Breast Health,
Ribera Salud,
Valencia, Spain
Corporate Chief of Breast Health,
Ribera Salud,
Valencia, Spain
Senior Global Clinical Portfolio Manager,
Best, Netherlands
IB CLV Marketing Manager Imaging Europe, Philips, Best, Netherlands
Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions. Results in other cases may vary.
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