Yong Qin has extensive research experience in both academia and industry, including start-ups. She’s a passionate advocate for open innovation — a collaborative approach to research and development that’s a stark contrast to the siloed mindset that has traditionally dominated industries. At Philips Ventures, she collaborates with new partners to help them identify consumer needs and guide them to solutions. She’s also driven the development of multiple venture projects, which have led to two new business unit creations.
At Philips, Yong Qin previously led three research departments: wireless communication, LED lighting systems and services, healthcare equipment and medical informatics. She also served on the faculty of Chongqing University. Earlier in her career, she received her BSc and MSc from Chongqing University and was awarded the Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme (SBFSS) to pursue her PhD in Imperial College in the UK.
When I was a child, I wished to become a doctor to help patients, but my parents persuaded me to study electronics. I’m very grateful to work on healthcare innovation, which has made my childhood dream come true.”
Yong Qin contributed a chapter on open innovation to China's Next Strategic Advantage: From Imitation to Innovation (MIT, 2016).
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