The Avalon CL Wide Range Pod extends the range for the use of Avalon CL transducers and Avalon CL Fetal & Maternal Pod and Patch via the hospital’s WLAN infrastructure. The Avalon Cableless solution combines convenience and versatility with ease of use, freeing the mother from cables during all stages of care, especially in labor and delivery.
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Operating Altitude |
Charging temperature |
Storage/transportation temperature |
Storage/transportation humidity |
Storage/transportation altitude |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Use with Philips Supplies |
Size (W x H x D) |
Weight |
Battery type |
Battery runtime (fully charged battery) |
Battery life |
Battery transducer storage time |
Battery recharging time |
Water ingress protection code |
Shock resistance |
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Use with Philips Supplies |
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Operating Altitude |
Charging temperature |
Storage/transportation temperature |
Storage/transportation humidity |
Storage/transportation altitude |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Use with Philips Supplies |
Size (W x H x D) |
Weight |
Battery type |
Battery runtime (fully charged battery) |
Battery life |
Battery transducer storage time |
Battery recharging time |
Water ingress protection code |
Shock resistance |
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ContinueVeebilehel esitatud teave on mõeldud ainult isikutele, kes kasutavad meditsiiniseadmeid oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuses, sealhulgas tervishoiutöötajatele, tervishoiuteenuse osutajate esindajatele ning meditsiiniseadmetega oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuse raames kauplevatele isikutele. Veebilehel esitatud teave ei ole mõeldud meditsiiniliste nõuannete, ravijuhiste ega mistahes muude tervishoiualaste soovituste või suuniste andmiseks.
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