Supported by rigorous clinical evidence, Vereos is the world’s first and only fully digital, clinically proven, PET/CT solution . With proprietary Digital Photon Counting technology for outstanding advances all along the imaging chain, Vereos exemplifies an established total solution to reveal more, earlier, to help you improve patient care and manage costs.
Gantry with table dimensions |
Weight |
Detector design |
Number of PET detectors |
PET timing resolution |
TOF localization accuracy |
PET effective sensitivity per cm |
PET quantitative accuracy |
Gantry with table dimensions |
Weight |
Detector design |
Number of PET detectors |
Gantry with table dimensions |
Weight |
Detector design |
Number of PET detectors |
PET timing resolution |
TOF localization accuracy |
PET effective sensitivity per cm |
PET quantitative accuracy |
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