The Lumify S4-1 phased array transducer provides high resolution imaging for abdominal and cardiac applications with imaging preset optimizations for Cardiac, Ob/Gyn, Lung, Abdomen and FAST. With a battery-free transducer for lightweight control, a quick-connect platform for professional collaboration, and convenient connectivity for data sharing, Lumify brings you countless real-world applications, in real time. Learn more about the Philips Lumify S4-1 Phased Array transducer in the specification table below.
Field of view |
Applications |
Bandwidth |
Footprint |
Scan depth |
Imaging features |
Aperture |
Biopsy capable |
Outright Lumify purchase includes: |
Field of view |
Applications |
Aperture |
Biopsy capable |
Field of view |
Applications |
Bandwidth |
Footprint |
Scan depth |
Imaging features |
Aperture |
Biopsy capable |
Outright Lumify purchase includes: |
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