The lightweight, ergonomic design of Philips V9-2 transducer allows for exceptional fetal imaging and visualization across a wide variety of patient types. This transducer offers advanced 3D/4D imaging support, including TrueVue, MPR Touch and FlexVue capabilities. In additon, MicroFlow Imaging capabilities helps overcome many of the technical barriers associated with conventional methods to aid in detection of small vessel blood flow with high resolution and minimal artifact.
Technology |
Number of elements |
Frequency range |
Array Type |
Aperture |
Field of view |
Volume of field of view |
Applications |
Biopsy capable |
Image Fusion Navigation capable |
Technology |
Number of elements |
Technology |
Number of elements |
Frequency range |
Array Type |
Aperture |
Field of view |
Volume of field of view |
Applications |
Biopsy capable |
Image Fusion Navigation capable |
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