Philips xMatrix sector array transesophageal transducer with PureWave Crystal technology. 8 to 2 MHz extended operating frequency range that images in 2D, Live xPlane, Live 3D, 3D Zoom, Full Volume and 3D color modes. Provides a user configurable button on the handle to assist with exam efficiency. Includes ECG interface cable and a disposable tip protector
Technology: |
Frequency range: |
Aperture: |
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Applications: |
Image fusion Navigation capable |
Number of elements: |
Array type: |
Field of view: |
Biopsy Capable |
Technology: |
Frequency range: |
Technology: |
Frequency range: |
Aperture: |
Volume of field of view: |
Applications: |
Image fusion Navigation capable |
Number of elements: |
Array type: |
Field of view: |
Biopsy Capable |
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