MR Longitudinal Brain Analysis (LOBI)

Visualize subtle changes in brain images over time

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Supports the visualization of brain images for the evaluation and monitoring of changes across multiple time points. ​ The Comparative Brain Imaging feature uses bias field-correction, intensity scaling, image registration and mathematical subtraction to provide color-coded images highlighting subtle brain changes over time. Improves diagnostic accuracy(3) in MS patients with 44% reduction in reading times. Supports the generation of FLAIR star(1) series. The FLAIR star (1) could aid the visualization of Central Vein Sign (CVS) in white matter lesions, which may help the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis(2). The application performs automatic registration between studies and provides semi-automatic segmentation and editing tools for volumetric measurement of brain lesions.

  • (1) FLAIR = Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery​ (2) Sati P et al. Nat Rev Neurol. 2016 ;12(12):714-722​ (3) Based on:​ a. publication from European Radiology 2019 (Univ. of Cologne)- Follow-up MRI in multiple sclerosis patients: automated co-registration and lesion color-coding improves diagnostic accuracy and reduces reading time Eur Radiol. 2019 Dec;29(12):7047-7054. ​ b. ISP 9 Philips whitepaper- The clinical utility of a novel imaging application for serial brain imaging: MR LoBI

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