Keep pace with rapidly changing technology. Add functionality, and enhance workflow, dose management and image quality with equipment you already have. Watch the animation
The healthcare industry is under tremendous pressure to hold costs down while delivering exceptional patient care. As a result, there is a clear trend toward keeping and maintaining existing medical equipment. Discover our portfolio of upgrades and trade-ins that can extend the life of your equipment. Whether it’s image guided therapy, magnetic resonance, computed tomography, radiography, ultrasound, or advanced visualization through IntelliSpace Portal, SmartPath can help keep your imaging systems up-to-date. SmartPath allows you to upgrade to the latest Philips technology in a practical, cost-effective way and maintain your long-term success. It’s comparable to buying new.
Keep equipment up-to-date. Maintain high quality performance over the long term through regular and ongoing updates and improvements
Add functionality. Enhance or expand your clinical capabilities and workflow efficiency and adopt new ways of working. Attract more patients and qualified staff and open doors to new service lines/revenue streams.
Extend lifetime of equipment. Transform your facility with next generation solutions that may reduce disruption, through an easy and economical upgrade path.
Trade-in outdated systems. Replace your current system with a new or refurbished system at attractive financial terms.
I think it’s fair to say the whole healthcare environment has to do more for less. There is no area where there is truly booming healthcare.”
Dr. Guy Lloyd, Consultant cardiologist
Barts Heart Centre, London, UK
We are moving away from simply replacing medical equipment after five or ten years, towards putting together packages or programs taking into account future developments including updates, upgrades and partial technology replacements.”
Prof. Dr. Winfried A. Willinek, MD, Chairman, Department of radiology, Neuroradiology, Sonography and Nuclear Medicine
Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen, Brüder Trier, Germany
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