Inpatient telehealth

 Improving care across acuities through hospital-wide virtual care

It is essential to embrace and extend telehealth delivery across your health system, as well as distinct acuities. We support you in your efforts to achieve better health outcomes, patient care and staff satisfaction. From the fast-paced critical care unit to the diverse demands of the general care and specialty units, eCareManager with eICU and eAcute empowers your teams to transcend boundaries and deliver exceptional care with one comprehensive solution.

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Quality, patient-centric care across acuities

As a patient moves through the different units of a hospital, Philips eCareManager keeps their information in a centralized database. It helps ensure that the care teams bedside and remote clinicians alike, always have access to the same, up-to-date information, so they can collaborate efficiently and effectively, every step of the way. 

Healthcare profession with a patient

Medical and surgical units: responsiveness and vigilance 

With nursing turnover on the rise, optimizing efficiency in the general ward is crucial.1 In Medical/Surgical and stepdown locations, Philips eAcute proactively oversees patient populations based on system-wide standards of care.

Healthcare profession and patient lies in bed

Critical care and high acuity: predictable and proactive

In the ICU, patients can become emergent quickly, and their care needs are constant and everchanging. This demanding care setting requires constant patient evaluation and care from the clinical staff.   The Philps eICU program uses evidence-based decision-support tools, comprehensive analytics and specific predictive algorithms to provide data the virtual care team needs to help improve patient outcomes.

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Specialty care: consistency and surveillance

Using virtual care within specialty units, such as telemetry, helps transform how care is delivered. Together Philips Capsule Surveillance, eCareManager and Medical Device Integration Platform offer a solution set to help support a telemetry central monitoring unit that virtualizes technologist focus and patient surveillance.

Profession talking with a headphone

How data can change the face of critical care 

Philips eICU Research Institute (eRI), a non-profit institute established by Philips and governed by customers, is a platform built from a repository of data used to advance knowledge of critical and acute care. 

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