How to successfully leave the microscope behind, impact on lab processes

Recorded webinar ∙ By Philips Healthcare ∙ jaan 31, 2023 ∙ 3 min read



Virtual care

Webinar video

Webinar highlights - Total duration [01:00:59]

  • Dr. Orndal discusses how to successfully leave the microscope behind in the transformation to digital pathology, and the impact on lab processes, diagnostic workflows and the mindset of the pathologist
  • Implementation of digital pathology as a first-hand tool for clinical diagnostics has been slower than initially expected when the technical solutions first became available
  • Unilabs Pathology Sweden has successfully implemented digital pathology for histopathology cases, in part by using the Philips Digital Pathology Solution for image management and scanning
  • Dr. Orndal shares how obstacles and limitations have been resolved, and discusses challenges and benefits of adopting a digital pathology solution, including keys to success

“If you’re good at pathology with a microscope, you will be good at pathology on the screen.”

Dr. Charlotte Orndal, MD, PhD - Unilabs Pathology



Speaker image

Dr. Charlotte Orndal, MD, PhD - Unilabs Pathology


Charlotte Orndal, MD, PhD, is Senior Consultant in Pathology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden. She received her PhD in Medical Genetics from the Lund University Hospital Department of Clinical Genetics. In 2016 she started working for Unilabs, first as Responsible Pathologist in the UniPath project, including implementation of a new LIS and digital pathology as primary tools for histopathology, and later as Medical Lead of Unilabs Pathology Sweden. Dr. Orndal has a special interest in workflows, quality and how technology can help patients and customers.


Her primary fields of study have been in gynecological pathology, including the cervical cancer prevention program, neuropathology and perinatal pathology.

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