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DICOM Validation Tool (DVT)

DICOM Validation Tool

Is it really DICOM compliant?

DICOM is increasingly being used as the standard communication mechanism when integrating various medical products in a hospital environment.

The medical products involved include Modalities (CT, MR, X-Ray, NM, RT, US, etc.), Workstations, Archives, Printers and HIS/RIS devices.

The intention of DICOM is to define the communication capabilities of each product type to a degree that allows products, supplied by different vendors, to be connected together to form an open, integrated diagnostic / treatment capability.

A need, therefore, exists to ensure that a product conforms to the DICOM standard in a way appropriate to its function.


What is DVT?
The DICOM Validation Tool (DVT) is a software utility that can assist in testing DICOM conformance.


1. DVT is used to provide an independent measurement of the accuracy of a Product’s DICOM Interface, according to both the 2. DICOM Standard and the Product’s Conformance Statement.

3. DVT can be used with DICOM Scripts to validate DICOM message exchange between two devices connected over a network.

4. DVT can play the role of either SCU or SCP in the communication depending on the DICOM Script content.

5. DVT Provides a Graphical User Interface to assist the User in performing the tests. In addition to the GUI, it also supports a command line version. This is particularly useful when DVT needs to be embedded into other scripts.

6. DVT supports media validation. Media storage files and raw dataset files can be validated.

7. DVT supports an in-depth validation of the DICOMDIR media file – full checks are made on both the syntax and semantics of the DICOMDIR media file content. References in the DICOMDIR can be followed so that other related media files are validated too.

8. DVT provides clear validation results – logged to file for test maintenance purposes. The latest version of DVT supports secure TCP/IP communication via SSL/TLS.

9. DVT uses the OpenSSL implementation. Licensing is in accordance with OpenSSL policies.


You can download the DICOM Validation Toolkit from



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