Sleep Diagnosis
Effective sleep diagnostic solutions

Effective sleep diagnostic solutions wherever you need them

The demand—and opportunity—to perform sleep diagnoses in a wide range of environments is the new normal.

Sleep centers that historically performed in-lab tests exclusively now find themselves directed to provide more and more home-based sleep studies. That shift calls for a different approach to sleep diagnostics. We are helping our sleep lab customers adapt to a changing world and take advantage of new opportunities that home sleep testing (HST) offers.


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Sleep Diagnosis infographic

In-lab and at-home sleep studies

Sleep diagnostic solutions


    Alice 6 LDx

    The Alice 6 LDx is a full-featured, easy-to-understand diagnostic sleep system. It allows staff to focus more on patients and less on equipment. Pair the base station with the LDxS head box for 19 EEG inputs or the LDxN for 32 EEG inputs.

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