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Speeding STEMI care  from

first contact to treatment

During an acute STEMI event, seconds count. The earlier you can identify the onset of STEMI, the sooner you can make informed clinical decisions and deliver treatment.

Will it be clot-busting thrombolytics, or PCI in the cath lab? Sending a 12-lead ECG transmission from the field to multiple locations within the hospital can help corroborate an initial diagnosis and alert appropriate personnel.

Our innovative STEMI solutions can help you streamline workflow and enhance patient care.


The opportunity

Start the clock earlier  

First responders can deliver critical STEMI patient information to wherever it’s needed – the ED, cardiographers, monitors, or the cath lab - helping to quickly corroborate an initial diagnosis and alert appropriate personnel.

The opportunity

Turn data into action

Quality data is required to efficiently mobilize resources and prepare proper treatment. STEMI clinical decision support tools aid in rapid triage to help you drive a successful protocol.

The opportunity

Deliver clinical excellence

Predictive software solutions, intuitive displays, and smart alarms that can help clinicians implement therapy earlier. Interventional tools enhance visualization for diagnostic clinical confidence in PCI procedures.

Learn more about how our STEMI solutions can help you meet high standards of patient care.


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Start STEMI care earlier and put patients on the road to recovery

“Now we have achieved door-to-reperfusion times of 14, 15, 18, 20, and 22 minutes.”

Dr. Ahmed Sabe, FACC, FACAI

Executive Director, Cardiovascular Center

Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

Mercy Medical Center

Canton, Ohio, USA

Start care in the field

Beating the clock – completing the 90 minute mission

Supporting your cardiac care system.
Beating the clock.


Rapid STEMI care from field to cath lab puts patients on the path to recovery.

Transmit vital ECGs directly to the hospital ED

Transmit vital ECGs directly to the hospital ED.

Obtain essential clinical data before the patient arrives

Obtain essential clinical data before the patient arrives.

Make earlier informed clinical decisions for optimal treatment

Make informed clinical decisions for high quality patient treatment.


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