The Kitten Scanner is a miniature scanner used in a hospital waiting room to prepare children for an upcoming MRI or CT procedure in a playful way, thereby helping to reduce anxiety in the child. It is an integral part of the Pediatric Coaching solution and continues the story of Ollie and friends from the Scan Buddy app, bridging the virtual world with the real world.
Letting kids play with a miniature scanner allows them to discover how a scanner works. This positively distracts them from potential fears and helps them feel more in control of the situation. Children who feel more confident and in control are more at ease, which improves the chance of a successful procedure and may reduce the need for sedation.
There are three types of learning styles that are thoughtfully addressed: Visual learner who learns through seeing; Auditory learner who learns through hearing; and Kinesthetic learner who learns through doing. The FIT framework is a carefully considered approach to address these relevant learning goals of a child. The Kitten Scanner is designed to consider those learning goals. Children can place their favorite buddy character in the slider that will start playing a fun yet informative video. Different Scan Buddies tell different stories with Ollie the elephant, Chris the crocodile, and Doris the chicken. The videos inform the child about the scan procedure while exposing them to the strange MRI sounds. Tips are provided by the characters in the video, on how they could manage to lie still during the scan.
As part of the Pediatric Coaching solution, the Kitten Scanner will help to prepare and guide children for their scan, providing a better healthcare experience while supporting first-time-right imaging.
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