Through technology, innovation and experiential design.
Through predictable, flexible and sustainable solutions.
Through data led decision making, service improvement, and education.
Through design, thinking and stakeholder engagement.
Neil Mesher, Solutions Leader Western Europe & Health Systems Leader North Western Europe, Philips, discusses how strategic partnerships can provide a platform for transformation.
Through co-creation, we deliver future-proof solutions that solve your key challenges, improve outcomes and contribute to the long-term success of your organisation.
Partnering to Drive Sustainable Healthcare
Fostering a collaborative ecosystem around common goals of improving patient care and becoming more sustainable in healthcare
Partnering to explore ways to reduce carbon footprint and material waste in its ICU
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Driving excellence across cardiac care
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Philips strategic partnership
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and Philips strategic partnership
Partnering with Wye Valley NHS Trust to increase diagnostic imaging capacity, improve productivity, support staff, and deliver high-quality patient experience.
County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Partnering to Drive Sustainable Healthcare
The future of healthcare will depend on ecosystems that deliver improved patient outcomes and experiences at lower cost. How can your organisation create an ecosystem of care from hospital to home? Together we can identify new opportunities and create future-ready solutions designed to help your organisation succeed.
Receive more information on how Philips and organisations like yours partner with purpose.
The future of healthcare will depend on ecosystems that deliver improved patient outcomes and experiences at lower cost. How can your organisation create an ecosystem of care from hospital to home? Together we can identify new opportunities and create future-ready solutions designed to help your organisation succeed.
Receive more information on how Philips and organisations like yours partner with purpose.
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