Dynamic care requires dynamic solutions
See how secure and scalable acute patient monitoring systems, clinically focused workflows and advanced interoperability deliver predictive insights to all points of care.
Capture streaming clinical data and transform it into actionable insights for patient care management to help improve collaboration between care teams, streamline clinical workflows and increase productivity.
The IntelliVue MX750 is the critical care workhorse of the IntelliVue family, covering a wide range of intensive care and anesthesia use cases and applications. Featuring direct access to hospital applications via HTML5, Citrix, and optional integrated PC, the monitor is also designed to support cybersecurity features such as node authentication, network data encryption, print report encryption and device data encryption, and includes a built-in RFID/NFC card reader.
The IntelliVue MX850, with its multi-display and multi-user capabilities, is built for the highest-acuity patients and the most demanding interventions, such as cardiothoracic or transplant surgery. Featuring direct access to the hospital applications via HTML5, Citrix, and optional integrated PC, the monitor is also designed to support cybersecurity features such as node authentication, network data encryption, print report encryption and device data encryption, and includes a built-in RFID/NFC card reader.
The Philips IntelliVue X3 is a compact, dual-purpose, transport patient monitor featuring intuitive smartphone-style operation and offering a scalable set of clinical measurements.
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