Reusable, neonatal SpO₂ wrap sensor M1193A / 989803205881

Pulse oximetry supplies

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The reusable Philips neonatal sensor wraps securely on the hand or foot of patients weighing 1 - 4 kg (2.2 – 8.8 lbs). Durable and comfortable, it is manufactured without latex.

For your smallest patients

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.
Reduces signal interference

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.
Rigorously tested

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.
  • For your smallest patients
  • Reduces signal interference
  • Rigorously tested
See all features
For your smallest patients

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.

Comfortable for neonates

The SpO2 sensor is designed to comfortably cradle your neonatal patient’s foot or hand in its soft silicone material. With a comprehensive warranty,* the sensor withstands the rigors of repeated use. *Check with your local sales representative for the warranty details in your area.
Reduces signal interference

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.

Designed for FAST-SpO₂

Our pulse oximetry sensors are designed specifically for Philips proprietary FAST-SpO₂ (Fourier Artifact Suppression Technology) algorithm. Together, they reduce effects from patient movement, electronic interference, ambient light and low perfusion.
Rigorously tested

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.

Durable and validated

All our SpO₂ sensors undergo demanding testing to make sure they meet Philips standards.


Product details
Product details
Replaces product
  • 989803103241 (M1193A)
SpO2 Sensor
SpO2 Sensor
Patient Application
  • Neonate
Application Site
  • Hand, Foot
Recommended Patient Weight
  • 1 - 4 kg (2.2 – 8.8lb)
Adapter Cable Compatibility
  • M1941A
Cable Length
  • 1.5 m (4.9')
Product details
Product details
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • No
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • M1020A, M1020B, M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3535A, M3536A, M3536M, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AT
Product Category
  • SpO₂
Product Type
  • Sensor
CE Certified
  • Yes
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use
  • Multi-Patient Use
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex
  • Yes
Minimum Shelf Life
  • None
Sterile OR Non-Sterile
  • Non-Sterile
Product details
Product details
Replaces product
  • 989803103241 (M1193A)
SpO2 Sensor
SpO2 Sensor
Patient Application
  • Neonate
Application Site
  • Hand, Foot
See all specifications
Product details
Product details
Replaces product
  • 989803103241 (M1193A)
SpO2 Sensor
SpO2 Sensor
Patient Application
  • Neonate
Application Site
  • Hand, Foot
Recommended Patient Weight
  • 1 - 4 kg (2.2 – 8.8lb)
Adapter Cable Compatibility
  • M1941A
Cable Length
  • 1.5 m (4.9')
Product details
Product details
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • No
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • M1020A, M1020B, M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3535A, M3536A, M3536M, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AT
Product Category
  • SpO₂
Product Type
  • Sensor
CE Certified
  • Yes
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use
  • Multi-Patient Use
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex
  • Yes
Minimum Shelf Life
  • None
Sterile OR Non-Sterile
  • Non-Sterile
  • Product may not be available in all geographies, please check with your Philips representative for complete portfolio availability.

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