The Philips Efficia 5-lead multi-patient use AAMI ECG lead set is designed for use with Efficia patient monitors. As part of our range of medical supplies, it helps you get the measurements you need, when you need them, at value pricing. For use with Efficia trunk cable 989803160641 and Efficia branded monitors and defibrillators. Cable length = 1.0m (3 ft); 1.6m (5.3 ft) for limb leads.
Lead Set Length |
Number of Leads |
Color Coding |
Connector type |
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Category |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
CE Certified |
Packaging Unit |
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex |
Sterile OR Non-Sterile |
Use with Other Supplies |
FDA approved |
Lead Set Length |
Number of Leads |
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Lead Set Length |
Number of Leads |
Color Coding |
Connector type |
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Category |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
CE Certified |
Packaging Unit |
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex |
Sterile OR Non-Sterile |
Use with Other Supplies |
FDA approved |
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ContinueVeebilehel esitatud teave on mõeldud ainult isikutele, kes kasutavad meditsiiniseadmeid oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuses, sealhulgas tervishoiutöötajatele, tervishoiuteenuse osutajate esindajatele ning meditsiiniseadmetega oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuse raames kauplevatele isikutele. Veebilehel esitatud teave ei ole mõeldud meditsiiniliste nõuannete, ravijuhiste ega mistahes muude tervishoiualaste soovituste või suuniste andmiseks.
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