Mainstream EtCO₂ Airway Adapter, Neonatal

Capnography supplies

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This product is the direct replacement for M2516A (989803146291). Mainstream monitoring is an ideal choice for intubated patients. It provides a non-diverting, crisp, accurate CO₂ waveform with no time delay, and does not require use of a scavenger system to collect anesthesia gases. Because patient secretions or high humidity do not contaminate the sensor, it is a preferred choice for these patient conditions or environments. Mainstream EtCO₂ sensor uses a common extension server, providing clinical versatility to use with the same monitor. No calibration is required. The sensors remain stable over time with automatic calibration information.


Gas Capnography
Gas Capnography
  • Mainstream
Patient Application
  • Neonatal/Infant
Product details
Product details
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • No
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • Yes
Product Category
  • Gas
Product Type
  • Capnography
CE Certified
  • Yes
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use
  • Multi-Patient Use
Package Weight
  • .02 kg
Packaging Unit
  • 1 box = 1 adapter
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex
  • Yes
Sterile OR Non-Sterile
  • Non-Sterile
Intubated or Non-Intubated
  • Intubated and Non-Intubated
Gas Capnography
Gas Capnography
  • Mainstream
Patient Application
  • Neonatal/Infant
Product details
Product details
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • No
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • Yes
See all specifications
Gas Capnography
Gas Capnography
  • Mainstream
Patient Application
  • Neonatal/Infant
Product details
Product details
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • No
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment
  • Yes
Product Category
  • Gas
Product Type
  • Capnography
CE Certified
  • Yes
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use
  • Multi-Patient Use
Package Weight
  • .02 kg
Packaging Unit
  • 1 box = 1 adapter
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex
  • Yes
Sterile OR Non-Sterile
  • Non-Sterile
Intubated or Non-Intubated
  • Intubated and Non-Intubated

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