The IQon Spectral CT is the world’s first and only detector-based spectral CT, delivering multiple layers of retrospective data in a single, low-dose scan. Fully integrated with your current workflow, this proprietary approach to CT delivers extraordinary diagnostic quality, empowering you to improve your clinical confidence and make the right diagnosis in the first scan.
Generator power |
Slices |
Coverage |
Rotation speed |
Maximum scannable range |
Bore size |
Conventional reconstruction speed |
Spectral reconstruction speed* |
Spectral temporal resolution |
Generator power |
Slices |
Generator power |
Slices |
Coverage |
Rotation speed |
Maximum scannable range |
Bore size |
Conventional reconstruction speed |
Spectral reconstruction speed* |
Spectral temporal resolution |
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ContinueVeebilehel esitatud teave on mõeldud ainult isikutele, kes kasutavad meditsiiniseadmeid oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuses, sealhulgas tervishoiutöötajatele, tervishoiuteenuse osutajate esindajatele ning meditsiiniseadmetega oma majandus- ja kutsetegevuse raames kauplevatele isikutele. Veebilehel esitatud teave ei ole mõeldud meditsiiniliste nõuannete, ravijuhiste ega mistahes muude tervishoiualaste soovituste või suuniste andmiseks.
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