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To learn more about Philips enterprise telehealth programs, please call us at 1-866-554-4776 or click below.
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ContinueEssential, real-time physician support
Essential, real-time physician support
Essential, real-time physician support
Data-driven alert system
Data-driven alert system
Data-driven alert system
Proprietary algorithms
Proprietary algorithms
Proprietary algorithms
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
Implementation services
Implementation services
Implementation services
Training and support
Training and support
Training and support
Essential, real-time physician support
Essential, real-time physician support
Essential, real-time physician support
Data-driven alert system
Data-driven alert system
Data-driven alert system
Proprietary algorithms
Proprietary algorithms
Proprietary algorithms
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
Implementation services
Implementation services
Implementation services
Training and support
Training and support
Training and support
eAcute is an in-hospital medical/surgical telehealth program that brings centralized patient monitoring and support from remote clinicians to the bedside team and patients in medical/surgical units. With eAcute, medical/surgical patients receive 24/7 monitoring and clinical staff have on-demand access to vital patient information and collaboration tools. Powered by the eCareManager software platform and its proprietary clinical algorithms, eAcute helps to provide the most at-risk patients with the attention they need as soon as possible.
Philips telehealth programs continue to generate national attention for their ability to improve patient care and reduce costs. Philips enterprise telehealth programs were featured as part of a 30-minute health and medical segment on the Fox Business Network, hosted by world-renowned TV anchor Larry King.(Fox Business Network, 2014)
The eAcute program supports clinical teams and the important decisions they make when caring for medical/surgical patients; helping provide an added level of attention and care when it matters most, and improve clinical outcomes¹ and lower costs ¹.
Philips eICU Research Institute (eRI) was established by Philips as a platform to advance the knowledge of critical care. The ERI database is a repository of anonymous data donated by member institutions and is instrumental in product development as well as a key enabler for critical research in the intensive care field.
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